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10/3/24 - programming languages

i basically only use javascript.

that sucks, so i'm going to try to try a bunch of languages and see if theres any one i really like!!

i'm currently working on making a new layout for my website so this might not be the best time for starting another thing but oh well. I'll continue working on that and when i'm done with my task for the day i can move on to this

my plan is to make a few projects in a bunch of different programming languages

first i'll make these project in javascript, which i already know, and then i'll start on every other language.

for my projects, i'll have:

  1. fizzbuzz
  2. calculator command line tool
  3. markdown parser
  4. snake game
  5. spider solitaire

as for programming languages, it's hard to choose considering just how many there are

I'll check every language on this list, and those that I don't immediately hate i'll do the projects in.

  1. AngelScript
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. C#
  5. Clojure
  6. D
  7. Elixir
  8. Erlang
  9. Gleam
  10. Go
  11. Haskell
  12. Haxe
  13. Java
  14. Kotlin
  15. Lua
  16. Perl
  17. PHP
  18. Python
  19. Ruby
  20. Rust
  21. Scala
  22. Scheme
  23. Swift
  24. WebAssembly
  25. Zig

Tested on Firefox 130.0.1 Windows 64-bit

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