My website

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Todays song!!!

Live Again - Mori Calliope - spotify

Site pages

please press ctrl + shift + r if the page isn't loading correctly



New theme again. wow!!! site now uses a terrible ssg i wrote in less than a day and it sucks but better than before ig


Set up deploy2nekoweb. now I can work using github!!!! much more convenient hopefully more updates soon new theme. its green !


Updated website!!!! everything is done through a single page now and loaded with XHR allowing each page to have the same layout without having to do an absurd amount of copypasting or a templating language!! Also this means when you switch pages it wont make the whole page reload

Tested on Firefox 130.0.1 Windows 64-bit

Cool websites!!!

morikei max's apartment remblanc trademarkization company of 2003 axel starry lilly mars



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